Louse Wateridge, the Senior Communications Officer of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), offered a clear and succinct description of Gaza in a series of posts published on X after 10 months of Israel’s ongoing massacre.
According to what she said, Palestinians living in Gaza are “never more than a few blocks away from the front line now.” Her comment is reflective of the manner in which Israel has constructed human shields using people from the Palestinian population.
It is now impossible to avoid strikes… Families who have been uprooted are forced to live amid the wreckage because they have nowhere else to go,” Wateridge stated in another post, which was accompanied by a picture of Palestinian homes that had been destroyed.
Despite the fact that the portrayals are true, there is still a disconnection between the settler-colonial framework of Israel and the slaughter that is taking place in Gaza. In spite of the fact that it is of the utmost importance to concentrate on the present issues, it is nevertheless a truth that Israel survives on continuity, and the international world is doing Israel a tremendous favor by ignoring the connection between the settler-colonial ideology of Zionism and the genocide.
Settler colonialism is unrelenting, and as a direct consequence, Israel’s air and artillery attacks that are designed to kill people are also unrelenting. Within the tale, there is not a single perforation. The international community’s cooperation in colonialism, on the other hand, not only required the establishment of Israel on territory that had been taken from Palestinians, but it also required an incorrect emphasis on human rights breaches that shielded the colonizer in waves of sensationalism that were removed from reality. The Palestinians have been forcibly relocated by Israel, but the international community has chosen to keep the Palestinians quiet. This is because the colonized population is not permitted to criticize Israel’s constructed narrative, which means that the occupation state does not face any significant resistance.
The apartheid regime receives support from major Western countries that are implicated in genocide and are also certain that they will not face any consequences, whether they be legal or otherwise. As a further illustration of the unrelenting nature of settler-colonialism, including its collaboration, here is an example. In addition, when one takes into account the fact that international organizations are a component of the network that sustains Israel’s colonialism and genocide in Gaza, another piece of the puzzle is put into place. Israel would experience defeat in the absence of international collaboration.

It is not difficult to dismantle a settler-colonial institution that was created on stolen land; nonetheless, the pretense that it is impossible to do so is persistent. In this way, Israel and other international leaders have turned all of us into spectators of their genocide, which has contributed to the widespread belief that, except from causing the demise of the Palestinian people, there is nothing that can be done for them. This kind of thought has been taught into the globe by Western democracy; yet, it is a false basis of protection under the cover of human rights and diplomacy, which enables Israel to slaughter Palestinians with unrelenting impunity.
In the meanwhile, it is anticipated that the remaining Palestinians will wait for their turn to be executed, while the international world is busy ensuring that the dots connecting genocide and settler-colonialism are not linked among themselves. The world community will continue to divide genocide into individual events of air strikes, displaced Palestinians, mass graves, famine, illnesses, torture, and injured and slain Palestinians if it continues to act in the same manner that it has done up to this point. All of these topics are presented in a manner that avoids the reality of genocide. This is done so that Israel may continue to take advantage of the narrative it has constructed in order to justify the theft of Palestinian territory and the murdering of the indigenous people. Even if the lives that have been lost are irreplaceable, it is possible that air strikes will be stopped one day. However, the lives that have been lost in Gaza are also intertwined with the intention to eradicate all Palestinians from the rest of Palestine. As a result, rather than fragmenting Israel’s acts as being unrelenting, the whole framework of the settler-colonial enterprise need to be seen as being similarly relentless.
Palestine might have prospered if the world powers had given Israel’s settler-colonialism less attention than they did more than a century ago. In its place, Western powers have remained unwavering in their backing of the poisonous ideology of Zionism. Nevertheless, while the genocide unfolds in front of our own eyes, we, along with them, must not ignore the unrelenting cruelty that is associated with settler-colonialism.