The recipe for stuffed zucchini from the Middle East


Prepared in the Middle Eastern way, stuffed zucchini! The simple zucchini serves as containers for a unique stuffing consisting of rice that has been spiced and ground beef that has been seasoned with tomatoes and fresh herbs in this dish. Take a look at my detailed instruction for results that are guaranteed to be tasty and completely failsafe.

Whenever I find myself reminiscing about certain tastes and flavors, I often find that my memory is the only thing that may assist me in attempting to replicate the meals that I like.

Nevertheless, it is one of those really rare and fortunate occasions when my mother happens to be right here in my kitchen! Congratulations! Also, with her assistance, I was able to duplicate the stuffed zucchini that I had eaten when I was a youngster.

Whether it be sautéed in a pan, shaped like a boat and topped with tomato and feta, wrapped around feta and grilled, or these light Baked Zucchini Sticks, you are well aware of how much I enjoy zucchini. My favorite way to eat zucchini is in any of its many forms.

Today’s recipe for stuffed zucchini, on the other hand, is a bit of a big deal; it’s the type of dish that’s perfect for Middle Eastern banquets and special feasts.

In the beginning, a vegetable corer such as this one is used to remove the center of the zucchini. After that, they are stuffed with a stuffing that is a robust mixture of rice and ground beef or lamb that is seasoned. In the last step, the zucchini that have been filled are cooked in red sauce until the filling is completely cooked through and the zucchini is wonderfully soft within.

It can seem to be a laborious task, but the preparation of these stuffed zucchini is really more simpler than you would imagine. In addition, the outcome is well worth the work!

The lesson for Middle Eastern Stuffed Zucchini may be found here, broken down stage by stage

Put the ingredients for the stuffing into a big bowl and mix them together. The components include rice, ground beef, fresh parsley, dill, diced tomatoes, water, olive oil, and seasonings. In order to blend, mix by hand.

In order to make place for the filling, you need now remove the tops of three tomatoes and the core from each tomato. This will hollow down the tomatoes. To do this, you may use a corer such as this one; alternatively, you might use a melon baller or even a spoon.

The very top of the zucchini should be removed with a knife, and then each zucchini should be sliced in half to create shorter zucchini that may be used for stuffing. Now that you have the zucchini, you need to hollow it out so that there is place for the filling. Make cautious not to poke the bottoms of the zucchini as you insert your corer about three quarters of the way into the zucchini. In order to remove the zucchini cores or hearts, you will need to twist the corer. This should be done many times, and then you should scrape the edges of the zucchini in a gentle manner until you have hollowed out each one to make place for the filling. There should be a rim of zucchini that is approximately a quarter of an inch thick.

Zucchini centers that have been cut out to make room for the addition of filling

Prepare the bottom of a big deep frying pan such as this one by lightly oiling it. Spread the leftover tomato slices around the bottom of the pan after you have sliced them. Next, include the slices of onion and the cores (or hearts) of the zucchini into the mixture. A little of salt and pepper should be sprinkled on top.

After that, using your hands, carefully pack the rice filling into the tomatoes that have been hollowed out. After that, pack the zucchini with the rice stuffing in a loose manner approximately three quarters of the way. Be careful not to overstuff or cram the rice stuffing inside the zucchini, as this will prevent it from cooking completely. Keep in mind that rice need space to grow while it is cooking.

Set the filled tomatoes in a position that is about in the middle of the frying pan, and then add the zucchini, with the stuffed side facing up, in a circle around them. It is helpful to tilt the zucchini slightly since this lets them to cook more evenly while using less liquid. Additionally, it enables the lid to seal more securely on the pan. Mix in the water and tomato sauce at this point. To taste, season with a pinch each of salt and pepper.

On a pan, zucchini and tomatoes that have been stuffed

Cook the liquid over medium-high heat until it begins to boil, then place the pan on the burner and continue cooking. Reduce the heat to low, cover the pot, and let it simmer for fifty minutes, or until the zucchini is soft and the rice stuffing is completely cooked.When ready to serve, transfer to individual bowls or a serving tray. Apply the sauce that was left in the frying pan on top. Have fun!